How is the ASP different?
The ASP is different because it will focus directly on job creation through critical private or public-private infrastructure investments. It is complementary to the economic framework developed by the G8/Deauville Partnership that is aimed at providing loans and technical support channeled through international institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The ASP will potentially include investment by the GCC countries in partnership with the private sector.
ASP Funds will be invested directly in infrastructure projects and will not pass through the government. This will allow for flexible, high-impact, country and sector investment options.
ASP differentiators:
- The ASP is an Arab-led initiative based on mutual interests, with larger flows than any equivalent plan.
- The ASP will provide fast-tracked project-based finance with high rates of return.
- The ASP will target employment not fiscal stabilization or loan-based structural adjustment.
- The ASP is a multi-investor plan and fund aimed at multi-state financing.
- The ASP is a needed counterpart to Deauville investments in fiscal stabilization and technical assistance.